Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some Food for Thought

I apologize for the month and a half delay between the last post and this one.
Sammy and I have been over flown with work and studies so have little to no time to do anything fun and exciting (unless you find studying to be a wild ride).

I feel bad to leave this post on such a short note thus I shall include a beautiful song by Michael Bublé named "That's All".

Monday, September 22, 2008

1,600 Feet Off The Ground

As you all know we celebrated our Anniversary in September, and how else to do it then with DynamicDuo style =)

The main events of the weekend included lots of Asian food, hours of scrap booking ( yes we are a little nerdy ) and a romantic sunset hot air balloon ride.

The balloon ride was actually a present of mine from Sammy for my birthday this past April, but I decided back then to wait and use it on our anniversary. I just figured it would be more romantic surrounded by all the warm colors of fall.

The Hot Air Balloon company was called Sundance Balloons and as I hear its like the Wall mart of the balloon industry ( can you imagine there is such a thing as the balloon industry?). The basket fit 10 people comfortably and our balloon was supposedly the second largest in Canada.

The overall experience was amazing and I would recommend it to anyone. Its easy to forget how small we are when we go about our day to day lives. When dangling in a basket 1,600 feet above the ground with nothing to stop you from plummeting you become a philosopher. Its funny how quiet everybody became after lifting off the ground. Everyone taking in the beauty of mans first flight and how mesmerizing it was.

I hope Sammy & I are able to do this again very soon =) .
Happy Anniversary!

(More Pictures & Videos Coming Soon)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Two Hearts, One Mind

Today is one of the many days I look back and realize how lucky I am to have met my soul mate. After all this time he is still by my side. He has seen the best and worst in me and loves me none the less. I knew from the first two weeks that he was very different from all the rest. He genuinely cared, not to satisfy a want or fulfill a selfish need, but appreciated every moment. His response was never fake, shallow, superficial or egoistic.

I believe an ideal relationship revolves around trust and vulnerability. When you love someone you trust them to never let you down, abandon you or use your weaknesses for their gain. I don’t understand people who claim they love someone yet they don’t trust them. For us, it’s easy. Don’t get me wrong, every relationship takes time effort and patience but, all these things I want to do with him so it never feels like chore.

We have both been through relationships which were drastic in nature and left us feeling empty and angry at the society we live in. We felt like giving up on the idea that someone out there will have the same morals and values that we place in high regard. Our society is fucked. There I said it. We live in a time where individuals are being socialized to become “self maximizing agents” or just plain egoistic. A healthy relationship involves two people relying on each other and genuinely caring about the others well being (both mentally/physically and financially) yet we are taught as children to rely on ourselves and never to trust others (Prenup??!). No wonder the divorce rate in first world nations and primarily North America is one in every two marriages. People marry to satisfy a want or need and once that satisfaction is achieved, if none other is found within the same relationship, they decide that its not worth the effort and divorce.

Sammy and I both have the same vision. We both want to achieve the same thing. We want a happy and loving family, to live comfortable, and teach our children about so many wonders of the world. Our children will never be taught that money determines the person and to fend only for themselves and their family. After all, we are all connected.

I love him, and truly wouldn’t be who I am today without him. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if ever he was gone, and thus cherish every moment I spend with him.

Happy Anniversary baby!!! And to many more to come…

Friday, September 12, 2008

Our List of Great Asian Restaurants (Toronto)

Sammy and I both love Chinese food and have made it our quest to find all the good spots in Toronto. This turns out to be much simpler that it sounds as we eat out at least 3 times a week and I do not feel satisfied eating out at any place other than Asian ( I'm addicted ).

There are many many Chinese restaurants in Toronto and the majority of them we wouldn't place on the "Great Chinese Restaurant" list as they have compromised the traditional taste of the food. The cuisine has been "North Americanized" if that makes sense to any of you. Our list will only include the places we believe reflect the true cuisine and a good one at that.

HINT: Here is an easy way to tell whether a Chinese Restaurant is still traditional. Pay attention to how many Asian people are inside. If everyone or a very large majority are of orient background, then you can safely say that the restaurant is credible. If not, then move on =)

Note that the list will not be written in any specific order.
We will post a detailed review of every location separately.

1. Pixel 8 Lounge
2. Full House Chinese Restaurant
3. Kenny's Noodles
4. Ajisen Ramen
5. Tako Sushi
(That's all I can remember for now ^-^)

Hope you enjoy them!

If you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to comment or email us at and we shall definitely visit and evaluate.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Early Christmas Gift

I guess after Sammy recieved his Christmas present early this year he had decided that all rules stating to wait till Christmas were off =) Don't get me wrong I love receiving presents, and why not early!!?

One week later we found ourselves in Danier trying on leather jackets. I have only recently started to appreciate a great leather jacket and some would point it to my Russian heritage. Common now, when have you seen a Russian woman who doesnt own a leather jacket? =P

I'm not the type of person who needs to spend hours browsing and so the second jacket I tried we both loved. We spent around 30 minutes max in that store and I walked away the happiest Russian woman in the whole mall!!

I LOVE MY LEATHER JACKET!! Thank you baby!

Ah, the wonders of recieveing Christmas presents in September.~

Our Extended Family

Sammy and I can't help but love animals. We love them so much that we don't mind turning our house into a zoo. Recently we have gone parrot crazy and have probably visited every single PJ's Pets and Pets Smart within the Greater Toronto Area. I bet the employees must know us by name -_-;;

We have been doing a lot of research, and have been lucky enough to hold and play with a Sun Conure, Green Cheek Conure, White Bellied Caique, Black Headed Caique, African Grey, Green Winged Macaw and the beautiful Hyacinth Macaw. Guess what, we love all of them!

Ofcourse its impossible to own that many birds and keep the noise volume to a minimum, especially while living in a condo, so we have to settle for two birds at most. Our birds of choice, considering the consequences, would have to be a Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure as they are known as the quiet parrot and the White Bellied Caique because they are extremely friendly ( I fell in love ^^).

We also plan to own the Russian Blue as they are beautiful cats and a Golden Retriever because they are great family dogs and accepting of children and other animals.

It's important for our household to be a peaceful habitat, and don't worry when we plan to expand past the two birds we will buy a larger property.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Surfing on Concrete

What a lovely day in August. The weather seems to be cooperating for the Labor Day Long weekend and all is swell =)

I have decided to buy my Hubby his Christmas present early. I know 4 months is a stretch but his interests aren't at all related to winter. So in order to compensate for living in a cold drenched country and the notion that ocean waves are some thousand miles away, the next best thing would have to be a simulation. A Long Board!!

He has long wanted one and I have no objections. Better than having him fly to some tropical country for a couple of weeks in order to satisfy his cravings. I know that this is not a solution, it's a temporary distraction, but better than nothing.

Here you get the "behind the scenes" footage of the long board experience ;P

Kristina & Sammy